The Smackdown
Of course it would be easier to smack 28 Weeks Later up against the film that gave birth to it, 28 Days Later, but most conventional reviews are already doing that. It could also easily smack up against the post-apocalyptic Children of Men or even the Planet Terror half of Grindhouse. As I watched this film, though, my mind took me back to 1986 when another surprise horror hit, Alien, was being followed by its bigger-budget sequel Aliens. Both 28 Weeks Later and Aliens got new directors for their franchises, more money and more action. There were more Zombies and more Aliens in each and, to fight them, the military was brought in to show how ineffectual their swagger and weapons could really be. And each sequel decided to throw kids up against the creatures to really drive the jeopardy forward. Which sequel was the best follow-up to what went before?
The Challenger
I haven’t read Ebert’s review of this film, but he should easily decry the “idiot plot” moment of 28 Weeks Later. It comes when Don (Robert Carlyle) decides to plant a wet kiss on his obviously exposed-to-infection wife, despite having seen the zombies first-hand and knowing full-well how the infection travels and how it has pretty much decimated the population of Britain. I watched this at the Westlake Village Promenade today at 4:50pm with a crowd of mostly teenage guys and even a lot of them were shocked at how ridiculous this was. This film (directed by Juan Carlos Fresnadillo) deals with the “rage” infection which pretty much leveled the population in the original. Now it’s over half a year later, and the United States has sent in the troops to secure the area and make it safe for re-population. They have a secure Green Zone, helicopter fly-overs, snipers on the roofs and a supposedly secure bar on the grounds. Guess what? It’s not secure and the Iraq metaphor goes from Code Green to Code Red as fast as Carlyle’s character can get a hunger for human flesh. For the record, though, this film has a fearsome opener that really, really worked for me, and a first half that felt as fully-realized as all of last year’s Children of Men.
The Defending Champion
James Cameron took over the director’s chair from Ridley Scott in this sequel to the 1979 sci-fi shocker Alien (which, I have to confess, is the first film I ever professionally reviewed). Sigourney Weaver’s Ridley character has been found after 57 years, and now a bunch of gung-ho Marines have been tasked with going back to find out what happened to a lost colony. Naturally, this is a bad decision that will be regretted almost as soon as they set foot on this God-forsaken planet. The alien in the original was subtle and scary because we rarely got a good look, but this time there is all the alien you can stand and then some. There isn’t a lot of great dialogue, though, probably because it would have just gotten in the way. James Cameron, of course, would direct a clearly superior sequel when he took on the Terminator franchise years later. Aliens, however, is a great thrill ride but the macho military characters really don’t hook you nearly so much as the crew of the Nostromo did. They were trapped and overwhelmed and they knew it.
The Scorecard
I don’t think too many people would be surprised if I took the position that both 28 Days Later and Alien are better than what they spawned if, for no other reason, they were so brilliantly original and frightening in their first incarnations.
Both sequels are whirling dervishes of camera-work when it comes to looking at the zombies or the Aliens. And both of them hook their audiences largely through the attrition rate of main characters, wondering who will go and who will survive. 28 Weeks Later feels more like it could happen (even though it’s obviously not going to) and Aliens feels more like the beautifully realized science-fiction masterpiece it has become known as. Both are technically great follow-ups.
Remember, though, that the Alien franchise degenerated into the awful Alien versus Predator. God help us when they make 28 Months Later. I will probably skip that one.
And the winner is…
The Decision
Coming out of the theater today, I was pretty sure it would be Aliens getting the nod. Then the 28 Weeks Later feeling started to grow on me. And, after that, I started to remember the things I didn’t like. Let’s just say I traveled a road here.
Much as I was gripped by 28 Weeks Later in that opening scene and the empty-city shots which followed, it has too many “don’t go in the room” moments where the characters do what only a movie character would do. Aliens remains solidly within its own reality, takes you on a ride you’ll never forget and solidified its franchise with suspense, execution and thrills. It’s not perfect, it’s not even in the universe of like with Alien, but it’s damn good. A classic sci-fi tale for the ages and it wins this contest easily.
Aliens is essentially a pumping, suspenseful, edgy war movie, so it’s a departure from the tone and the approach of the original.. and a very successful departure, at that. 28 Weeks Later certainly isn’t bad, but it feels very much like a sequel. Cameron’s movie is fresher, more exciting/scary, and in the end more memorable.
I must agree too. I am a HUGE Zombie movie fan and 28 Weeks later or NEW Dawn of the Dead are my favs but Aliens is a classic amongst all movies. I think somewhere between (1) Terminator 2 and (3) Die Hard is (2)Aliens as the best action movies of all time. Some things which hurt 28 weeks later is the ending is a bit of a letdown. No big bang final confrontation like the last 30 minutes of Dawn of the Dead. I must agree that the Robert Carlisle charachter just wouldn’t be allowed to get close to his infected wife.
That’s a very interesting POV — because seeing “Aliens” fresh today would be a wholly different experience and maybe the cliches would be showing a bit much. Good point.
I agree. Aliens is just a classic. However, the macho dialogue of the military and the psuedo-lesbianic military chick all began to feel a bit too 80s cliche. Granted, I saw it after the period that spawned it. However, Alien seemed to skip these stereotypes and instead, directly instroduced one of the first true female action heroes of our time, Ripley — an amazing characater!!! And what’s nice about Aliens is that Ripley, for the most part, remains herself with an added boost of confidence, which I enjoyed.